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During the event a new logo for our Family Services department was unveiled.

Impacting Lives: A Fundraising Dinner for Impact Families

Our longtime Family Group was the inspiration for out latest fundraiser event.
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June 18, 2024

A sold out crowd at Bacchus Kitchen in Pasadena helped support families at Impact.
A sold out crowd at Bacchus Kitchen in Pasadena helped support families at Impact.

Addiction is a Family Disease

At Impact Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center, we recognize that addiction is a family matter. It’s not just the individual struggling with substance abuse who suffers; the emotional and physical well-being of every family member is deeply affected. Our Family Services Program is foundational to our approach, ensuring that the families of our clients are integral to the recovery process. This program doesn’t just save lives—it helps rebuild them.

One of the many families successfully repaired by the Family Services Group at Impact
One of the many families successfully repaired by the Family Services Group at Impact

A Legacy of Family Engagement

Impact has been successfully treating men and women suffering from the disease of addiction for over 50 years. For a majority of that time, we have been committed to involving families from the onset of treatment. We believe that when families engage in the recovery process early on, it significantly enhances the chances of long-term success. This philosophy has been the backbone of countless recovery stories that we’ve had the honor to facilitate.

Guests were able to take part in a silent auction, a raffle, and much more.
Guests were able to take part in a silent auction, a raffle, and much more.

Celebrating Miracles at Bacchus Kitchen

On the evening of May 23, 2024 we gathered with a close-knit group of supporters and beneficiaries at Bacchus Kitchen in Pasadena to celebrate the miraculous transformations we’ve witnessed. The event was not only a fundraiser but a heartfelt celebration of recovery, resilience, and renewal. Parents, children, and loved ones whose lives have been reshaped by our program were the guests of honor, sharing powerful testimonials that moved the sold-out crowd.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our attendees, we nearly reached our fundraising goal for the evening. The silent auction was a highlight, featuring unique items and experiences that captured the enthusiasm of our supporters. The success of the auction, along with a robust pre-event donation drive, showcased the deep commitment of our community to supporting families on their journey to healing.

The funds raised during this memorable evening will directly support the continuation and expansion of our Family Services program. As we build on the success of this event, we are more committed than ever to our mission of healing not only individuals but entire families.

Guests were asked to "raise their paddles" to showcase their support of Impact's mission.
Guests were asked to "raise their paddles" to showcase their support of Impact's mission.

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June 18, 2024


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